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Mindfulness for Ukraine!

Майндфулнес в Україні

Sincerely welcome to the meeting “Mindfulness for Ukraine”!

October the 9th 2024: 7:30-9:30 pm CET.

    The longer the war in Ukraine is lasting, the more our support is in need. The practice of mindfulness and compassion can be important resources in these times of deep suffering. In this evening of solidarity, we would like to tell you about training mindfulness and compassion teachers in Ukraine, and how their work is rippling through society in the midst of a war situation.

    How Ukrainian Mindfulness Association is bringing mindfulness and compassion to schools, trauma workers, bereavement groups, soldiers coming back from and every else who is confronted with the incredible daily stress of oppression, war and uncertainty.

    There will also be time to reflect on how war in the modern affects us all, whether or not on direct threat, and how mindfulness can help us with wise responses.

    With contributions from mindfulness teachers in Ukraine and the people who support them, and a special contribution from Jon Kabat-Zinn.

    This meeting is for everybody who feels a deep connection to mindfulness and wants to get informed and meet in solidarity with Ukraine.

    Organized by Ukrainian Mindfulness Association (UMA), in cooperation with De Mindfulness Academie (Netherlands) and The Self-compassion Academy (Netherlands).


    • David Treleaven (Trauma-sensitive minfulness)
    • Mila de Koning (Creating a Teacher Training Program)
    • Yuliia Tkachenko (How 8-week courses land with people in Ukraine)
    • Julia Stadnytska and Olena Mukha (Inviting people to come and practice meditation)
    • Katharina Mullen (Support from EAMBA- European Associations for Mindfulness)
    • Jon Kabat-Zinn (Mindfulness in existentially uncertain times)

    The evening is chaired by Rob Brandsma


    • October the 9th 2024
    • Time:

      • 7:30-9:30 pm CET,
      • 8:30-10:30 pm Ukrainian time,
      • 1:30 - 3:30 pm US East Coast time,
      • 10:30 am- 12:30 pm US West Coast time
      • Participation for the evening is free. To register, please use the registration button below.

        • Please support the growth of more mindfulness and compassion in Ukraine. Below you find a QR-code to donate for supporting teacher training trajectories for Ukrainians who can not support it. (The donations are handled by the Self-compassion Academy, Netherlands).
        • QR


УМА була створена для того, аби сприяти розвитку майндфулнес напрямку та всіляко розвивати інтеграцію майндфулнес в терапію, організовувати навчання на програмах, які є науково обґрунтовані світовими дослідженнями, пильнувати якість освіти, якість акредитації та дотримання етичних стандартів.
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